Would you like to see your Post or District featured in the Department Newsletter?  Do you have a special recognition event, 100th birthday or celebration happening that you want others to know about?  Department is looking for news stories from around the State to share in our newsletter and events to share on the website. Please submit articles and event fliers to the Department Adjutant with "Newsletter item" in the subject line.  Event fliers should be submitted 3 weeks in advance.
Deadline dates for Newsletter articles 
December 24th for Jan/Feb 2024
February 24th for March/April
April 24th for May/June
June 24th for July/August
August 24th for Sept/Oct
October 24th for Nov/Dec
Current issue:   Sept-Oct 2024
 Past Issues:

Jan - Feb 2021               Jan - Fe b 2022           Feb - Apr 2023         Jan - Feb 2024     
Mar - Apr 2021             July - Aug 2022           May - Jun 2023        Mar - Apr 2024
May - Jun 2021             Mar - Apr 2022           Sept - Oct 2023        May - Jun 2024
July - Aug 2021             May - Jun 2022                                             July-Aug 2024
Sept - Oct 2021